First part
The old woman was touched to hear Kali Mirch’s confession, She said "You have helped me like a son. So, from today, you are my son Kali. Come on, we will both work together." Kali was so happy to hear this, From then on, both of them prepared idlis, dosas and sweets and sold them in the market.
One day, the old woman made some delicious "appams" (bread of rice) from rice and Jaggery. The old woman gave one to Kali. Kali happily ran away with the appam. When he reached a Ganeshji temple, he entered the deity’s room and started eating the appam.
Lord Ganeshji saw Kali eating appam. His mouth watered.
He said " Kali, Kali Give me piece please," Kali said, "No’ No! I can’t give you
even a bit",
He ate the whole appam by himself, Lord Ganeshji got so angry at this that he turned around and stood facing the wall. The next day, when the temple priest came and opened the temple, he saw Lord Ganeshji facing the wall. He was terrified, and called all the villagers, They realised that Lord Ganeshji was angry. They quickly made him many offerings of delicious fruits and sweets. But Lord Ganeshji refused to turn around. Everyone was worried.
When Kali heard this, he felt sad. He knew very well why Ganeshji was angry. He hurried to the old woman and asked her to make appams again. Then, that night, he took two appams and went to the temple. He called out "Ganeshji! Ganeshji! Turn around! I have brought appams for you. Lord Ganeshji immediately turned around and happily took the appams from Kali. Both of them ate the appams heartily. The next day, the villagers were so happy to see Lord Ganeshji in his usual pose.
End of the story.
Thanks Vaidehi for the story.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Turn around Ganeshji - part 1
A folk tale from Tamil Nadu, India
An old man was very sick and was in bed with fever. His old wife was very sad because she didn’t have money to take him to hospital. She decided to make some herbal juice to lessen her husband’s fever. So, she placed a few coriander and pepper seeds on the grinding stone
and went to look for a stone to pound the seeds.One of the pepper seeds was naughty Kali
Mirch. He had watched the old woman, and realised that he was going to be pounded. So, he quietly rolled off the grinding stone and hid under it. The old woman did not notice this. She pounded the remaining coriander and pepper seeds and made juice for the old man. Alas, the old man didn’t recover from the fever, and died the next day. The old woman was very sad and cried a lot, Kali Mirch who was hiding under the grinding stone saw this and felt guilty. He thought that the old man had died because of him, So, he decided to help the old woman.
Every night, he crept out of the grinding stone and prepared some idli and dosa dough. Then, he kept the dough in a vessel, and hid behind the grinding stone before the old woman woke up. The old woman was astonished to see the idli and dosa dough all ground and mixed each morning. Since she needed money, she prepared idlis and dosas from the dough, and sold it to the people around, After a few days, the old woman became curious. She wanted to know who was helping her, So, one night she pretended to have fallen asleep. Kali Mirch, as usual, came out of his hiding place and prepared the dough. The old woman excitedly took Kali Mirch in her hands and asked, "Why are you doing all this?" Kali sheepishly told her his story.
Part 2
An old man was very sick and was in bed with fever. His old wife was very sad because she didn’t have money to take him to hospital. She decided to make some herbal juice to lessen her husband’s fever. So, she placed a few coriander and pepper seeds on the grinding stone
and went to look for a stone to pound the seeds.One of the pepper seeds was naughty Kali
Mirch. He had watched the old woman, and realised that he was going to be pounded. So, he quietly rolled off the grinding stone and hid under it. The old woman did not notice this. She pounded the remaining coriander and pepper seeds and made juice for the old man. Alas, the old man didn’t recover from the fever, and died the next day. The old woman was very sad and cried a lot, Kali Mirch who was hiding under the grinding stone saw this and felt guilty. He thought that the old man had died because of him, So, he decided to help the old woman.
Every night, he crept out of the grinding stone and prepared some idli and dosa dough. Then, he kept the dough in a vessel, and hid behind the grinding stone before the old woman woke up. The old woman was astonished to see the idli and dosa dough all ground and mixed each morning. Since she needed money, she prepared idlis and dosas from the dough, and sold it to the people around, After a few days, the old woman became curious. She wanted to know who was helping her, So, one night she pretended to have fallen asleep. Kali Mirch, as usual, came out of his hiding place and prepared the dough. The old woman excitedly took Kali Mirch in her hands and asked, "Why are you doing all this?" Kali sheepishly told her his story.
Part 2
Friday, November 28, 2008
Granny makes a scarecrow
Once upon a time, there was Neeta, an old granny, who lived in a village. A large mango tree, laden with ripe golden mangoes grew in front of her house. Neeta, the old granny could not climb to the top of the tree to pick the ripe mangoes. She had to wait until her grandson, Bakul, came from the city. Bakul came only Saturdays, and it was only Wednesday.
Grandmother didn’t know what to do, She wanted to wait for Bakul, but the crows were eating up all the mangoes, She knew that something had to be done at once. Or else, all the mangoes would be gone. She thought hard of some way to frighten the crows away. Finally she had an idea. Do you know what she did?
Granny took a stick and stuck it in the ground. She hung an old shirt on it. She tied
a bundle of straw on it for a head. She tied on some old ragged pants. She fastened old gloves for hands. When the wind blew it made him flop just like a man, and the birds didn’t dare go near to steal any more mangoes.
Grandmother didn’t know what to do, She wanted to wait for Bakul, but the crows were eating up all the mangoes, She knew that something had to be done at once. Or else, all the mangoes would be gone. She thought hard of some way to frighten the crows away. Finally she had an idea. Do you know what she did?
Granny took a stick and stuck it in the ground. She hung an old shirt on it. She tied
a bundle of straw on it for a head. She tied on some old ragged pants. She fastened old gloves for hands. When the wind blew it made him flop just like a man, and the birds didn’t dare go near to steal any more mangoes.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Shamu, the whale does a great job (part 2)
Part 2 of 2.
First Part
"We need a Place that’s safe from other big sharks, There are more than three hundred types of sharks, and many of them eat baby Sharks like us!" said Sharpy,the baby shark.
"Humans hunt us too, so we must stay away from them as well," said Snappy, the baby shark,
"I think I know a safe placefor you," said Shamu, He led the baby sharks
to a small island In the middle of the sea. "You’ll be safe here - no sharks or humans come here," he said.
"Thank you. I’m so tired, I think I’ll have a nap now," said Sharpy, the baby shark.
Shamu waited for him to close his eyes, After a while, he said, "What’s the matter? Why aren’t you sleeping?"
"Shh...don’t make noise, Mr. Whale, He’s already sleeping, We sharks sleep with our eyes open," explained Snappy, the second baby shark.
Hey! I didn’t know that. I’ll be off now. Do you need any more help?" Shamu asked,
"Not really. We sharks have a strong sense of hearing. We can hear our enemies or our prey from far away. I am sure we can look ourselves now. Thank you for your help," said Sharpy and Snappy,the baby sharks.
"Not at all! It was my pleasure. Bye, I’ll see you sometime," said Shamu as he waved goodbye.
This story is based on a story by Archana Correa, Thanks Archana...
End of the story, Thanks for reading
First Part
"We need a Place that’s safe from other big sharks, There are more than three hundred types of sharks, and many of them eat baby Sharks like us!" said Sharpy,the baby shark.
"Humans hunt us too, so we must stay away from them as well," said Snappy, the baby shark,
"I think I know a safe placefor you," said Shamu, He led the baby sharks
to a small island In the middle of the sea. "You’ll be safe here - no sharks or humans come here," he said.
"Thank you. I’m so tired, I think I’ll have a nap now," said Sharpy, the baby shark.
Shamu waited for him to close his eyes, After a while, he said, "What’s the matter? Why aren’t you sleeping?"
"Shh...don’t make noise, Mr. Whale, He’s already sleeping, We sharks sleep with our eyes open," explained Snappy, the second baby shark.
Hey! I didn’t know that. I’ll be off now. Do you need any more help?" Shamu asked,
"Not really. We sharks have a strong sense of hearing. We can hear our enemies or our prey from far away. I am sure we can look ourselves now. Thank you for your help," said Sharpy and Snappy,the baby sharks.
"Not at all! It was my pleasure. Bye, I’ll see you sometime," said Shamu as he waved goodbye.
This story is based on a story by Archana Correa, Thanks Archana...
End of the story, Thanks for reading
Shamu, the whale does a great job (part 1)
Part 1 of 2
Shamu, the whale was swimming in the ocean when he saw two baby sharks wandering about.
"Mr. Whale, we’re lost. Please help us, - cried Sharpy, one of the baby sharks.
Shamu was surpnsed.
"Lost? Where’s your mother? And how can I help?" he asked.
"Our parents swam away as soon as we were born. Now we have to look after ourselves. We’re hungry, and we want something to eat," said Snappy, the other baby shark.
"What strange parents you have! Anyway what would you like to eat" asked Shamu.
"I'll have some fish, and maybe a small octopus too," said Sharpy, the baby Shark.
"And I'd like some plankton - those colourful plants and sea creatures" eggs that float about on the water,
They look yummy I can’t wait to try them!" said Snappy, the second baby shark.
"I know just the place! Follow me," said Shamu.
Shamu swam towards the Beach Side Cafe, a small seafood restaurant in the ocean. There, Ms. Lola, the Lobster, the chef served them fresh fish and plankton,
"That was deliciousi" said Snappy and Sharpy, the baby sharks. "What do we do next?"
"You need to find a Safe place to live", said Shamu.
next part
Shamu, the whale was swimming in the ocean when he saw two baby sharks wandering about.
"Mr. Whale, we’re lost. Please help us, - cried Sharpy, one of the baby sharks.
Shamu was surpnsed.
"Lost? Where’s your mother? And how can I help?" he asked.
"Our parents swam away as soon as we were born. Now we have to look after ourselves. We’re hungry, and we want something to eat," said Snappy, the other baby shark.
"What strange parents you have! Anyway what would you like to eat" asked Shamu.
"I'll have some fish, and maybe a small octopus too," said Sharpy, the baby Shark.
"And I'd like some plankton - those colourful plants and sea creatures" eggs that float about on the water,
They look yummy I can’t wait to try them!" said Snappy, the second baby shark.
"I know just the place! Follow me," said Shamu.
Shamu swam towards the Beach Side Cafe, a small seafood restaurant in the ocean. There, Ms. Lola, the Lobster, the chef served them fresh fish and plankton,
"That was deliciousi" said Snappy and Sharpy, the baby sharks. "What do we do next?"
"You need to find a Safe place to live", said Shamu.
next part
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Why does woody, the woodpecker peck wood?
The heavy rains had caused floods, so it was difficult for Woody, the woodpecker to go out in search of food. When the rains finally stopped, Woody, the woodpecker set out to look for food. Then he spotted a tiger cub near the sea. It had been swept ashore by the forceful waves.
Woody, the woodpecker went up to the cub and said, "You look lost, little cub! Do you want some help?"
"I want to go back to my mummy," Tigger, the tiger cub said.
"It’s going to be hard for me to help this Tigger, the tiger cub", Woody, the woodpecker thought worriedly.
Woody, the woodpecker was not able to carry the Tigger, the tiger cub across the ocean to the island where its parents lived.
Woody, the woodpecker then asked his friend, Bunny, the rabbit, about what they could do to solve this problem.
Bunny, the rabbit replied, "We must make a boat that travel in,"
"That is a good idea," Woody, the woodpecker said happily.
Their friend the Jumbo elephant was ready to uproot any tree to make into a boat. A group of friendly rats were ready to do all the carpentry work needed to make it sail.
But which tree should they choose? Bunny, the rabbit said they should take advice from king termite, who knew all about wood. However, the king termite was not quite clear in his
answer. He simply said, "All trees are not good for your purpose." So, all the animals urged Woody, the woodpecker to find a suitable tree himself. And from that day onwards, Woody, the woodpecker has been pecking every tree he finds, to look for the suitable tree. But, he has still not found it.
In the meanwhile, Tigger, the tiger cub became friendly with the other animals and lived with them.
The story is based on a story by Leons George. Thanks Leons
Woody, the woodpecker went up to the cub and said, "You look lost, little cub! Do you want some help?"
"I want to go back to my mummy," Tigger, the tiger cub said.
"It’s going to be hard for me to help this Tigger, the tiger cub", Woody, the woodpecker thought worriedly.
Woody, the woodpecker was not able to carry the Tigger, the tiger cub across the ocean to the island where its parents lived.
Woody, the woodpecker then asked his friend, Bunny, the rabbit, about what they could do to solve this problem.
Bunny, the rabbit replied, "We must make a boat that travel in,"
"That is a good idea," Woody, the woodpecker said happily.
Their friend the Jumbo elephant was ready to uproot any tree to make into a boat. A group of friendly rats were ready to do all the carpentry work needed to make it sail.
But which tree should they choose? Bunny, the rabbit said they should take advice from king termite, who knew all about wood. However, the king termite was not quite clear in his
answer. He simply said, "All trees are not good for your purpose." So, all the animals urged Woody, the woodpecker to find a suitable tree himself. And from that day onwards, Woody, the woodpecker has been pecking every tree he finds, to look for the suitable tree. But, he has still not found it.
In the meanwhile, Tigger, the tiger cub became friendly with the other animals and lived with them.
The story is based on a story by Leons George. Thanks Leons
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Match Fixing part 5
Part 5 of 5
Previous part
Later the Principal addressed the students during Assembly:
"Dear teachers and students,
It is indeed unfortunate that I have to deal with such a situation. I am sorry to say that two of our school students Peter and David have been suspended for unacceptable behaviour."
"I learn that Peter of nineth grade, a young boy who is in the habit of betting, has betted with many students of our school for Rs 500 and stood to gain money to the tune of Rs 10,000 through these bets. He had promised to pay David Rs 5,000 if he threw the match in Modern High’s favour.
I have just suspended the 2 students, not removed them because they are still young and at an impressionable age and I would like to give them both an opportunity to reform their ways."
"Let others learn a lesson from this incident and be honest in their actions and motives and bring laurels to their school and the Country."
The Assembly dispersed amid disbelief and anger.
"Hence forth, we should not get involved in betting of any type," Rashmi declared.
"Yes, never again," the other 3 echoed.
"Thank God, our names did not come out in the open."
"Tomorrow is our Sc1ente test. Let us concentrate on it" Akash suggested.
"That is right."
All four having learnt a lesson, resolved to concentrate on their studies and to keep away from bad habits.
The End...
Previous part
Later the Principal addressed the students during Assembly:
"Dear teachers and students,
It is indeed unfortunate that I have to deal with such a situation. I am sorry to say that two of our school students Peter and David have been suspended for unacceptable behaviour."
"I learn that Peter of nineth grade, a young boy who is in the habit of betting, has betted with many students of our school for Rs 500 and stood to gain money to the tune of Rs 10,000 through these bets. He had promised to pay David Rs 5,000 if he threw the match in Modern High’s favour.
I have just suspended the 2 students, not removed them because they are still young and at an impressionable age and I would like to give them both an opportunity to reform their ways."
"Let others learn a lesson from this incident and be honest in their actions and motives and bring laurels to their school and the Country."
The Assembly dispersed amid disbelief and anger.
"Hence forth, we should not get involved in betting of any type," Rashmi declared.
"Yes, never again," the other 3 echoed.
"Thank God, our names did not come out in the open."
"Tomorrow is our Sc1ente test. Let us concentrate on it" Akash suggested.
"That is right."
All four having learnt a lesson, resolved to concentrate on their studies and to keep away from bad habits.
The End...
Match Fixing part 4
Part 4 of 5
Previous part
It read:
"Our school cricket team captain David has been suspended from attending school for 2 weeks. He also ceases to be our school cricket team captain owing to the betting charges against him. Peter of Nineth gread too has been suspended for 2 weeks in this regard."
"Pavan, Akash, Sulabh, come quickly. Look here," yelled an excited Rashmi,
"What is wrong Rashmi? Why are you shouting like this?" Pavan enquired.
"Look..." pointed Rashmi.
The 3 looked at the notice board, their mouth wide open with shock and surprise.
"I don’t think David is capable of such a thing. I think somebody is out to tarnish his name," Rashmi defended her hero.
Pavan was more level headed, "Why would any-body do such a thing? If Peter and David both have been suspended. I think the management should have proof against them."
"Maybe, the Modern High team must have bribed him so that they could win the trophy" suggested Akash.
"Most likely" the other 3 supported his opinion unanimously.
Next part
Previous part
It read:
"Our school cricket team captain David has been suspended from attending school for 2 weeks. He also ceases to be our school cricket team captain owing to the betting charges against him. Peter of Nineth gread too has been suspended for 2 weeks in this regard."
"Pavan, Akash, Sulabh, come quickly. Look here," yelled an excited Rashmi,
"What is wrong Rashmi? Why are you shouting like this?" Pavan enquired.
"Look..." pointed Rashmi.
The 3 looked at the notice board, their mouth wide open with shock and surprise.
"I don’t think David is capable of such a thing. I think somebody is out to tarnish his name," Rashmi defended her hero.
Pavan was more level headed, "Why would any-body do such a thing? If Peter and David both have been suspended. I think the management should have proof against them."
"Maybe, the Modern High team must have bribed him so that they could win the trophy" suggested Akash.
"Most likely" the other 3 supported his opinion unanimously.
Next part
Match Fixing part -3
Part 3 of 5
Previous part
Akash shrugged, "Probably just to show off that he is different and to gain attention" he suggested.
Though their minds were reeling with excitement about the forthcoming match, the bets they had committed to, troubled them. What if their Principal came to know about it? Or if one of their parents finds out and decided to take the betting matter to the Principal?
"Anyway, our school is going to win the match and we stand to gain. Be happy" Pavan consoled his mates.
"We want a Sixer... we want a Sixer..." shouted the crowd. Inspite of David’s poor batting, Bombay Scottish" had managed to reach a score of 143 runs In 48 overs.
"Modern High" was nearing 100 runs in 32 overs and had 5 wickets in hand.
"Bombay Scottish" was heavily banking on Davids bowling prowess. If he could come up with a spectacular bowling display, as usual, the cup would be their this year too.
David let his team down with poor bowling and "Modern High" won the game with 8 overs to spare.
The students of "Bombay Scottish" could not believe what they had just witnessed. Their hero, David had let them down. Here was Modern High walking away with the cup.
Amidst much cheering and booing, Abhishek was presented the trophy. The students of Modern High walked away with the trophy, their heads held up high, with pride.
Pavan, Sulabh, Akash and Rashmi sat in one end of their school playground totally dissapointed.
How were they going to collect Rs 500 to give to Peter?
A notice on the school notice board, a few days later, shook everybody.
Next part
Previous part
Akash shrugged, "Probably just to show off that he is different and to gain attention" he suggested.
Though their minds were reeling with excitement about the forthcoming match, the bets they had committed to, troubled them. What if their Principal came to know about it? Or if one of their parents finds out and decided to take the betting matter to the Principal?
"Anyway, our school is going to win the match and we stand to gain. Be happy" Pavan consoled his mates.
"We want a Sixer... we want a Sixer..." shouted the crowd. Inspite of David’s poor batting, Bombay Scottish" had managed to reach a score of 143 runs In 48 overs.
"Modern High" was nearing 100 runs in 32 overs and had 5 wickets in hand.
"Bombay Scottish" was heavily banking on Davids bowling prowess. If he could come up with a spectacular bowling display, as usual, the cup would be their this year too.
David let his team down with poor bowling and "Modern High" won the game with 8 overs to spare.
The students of "Bombay Scottish" could not believe what they had just witnessed. Their hero, David had let them down. Here was Modern High walking away with the cup.
Amidst much cheering and booing, Abhishek was presented the trophy. The students of Modern High walked away with the trophy, their heads held up high, with pride.
Pavan, Sulabh, Akash and Rashmi sat in one end of their school playground totally dissapointed.
How were they going to collect Rs 500 to give to Peter?
A notice on the school notice board, a few days later, shook everybody.
Next part
Match Fixing part 2
Part 2 of 5
Previous part
He was a master stroke player, a cunning, accurate bowler and an agile fielder. For the past 3 years, Bombay Scottish had retained the winning trophy meant for the best team in the city, thanks to David.
Bombay Scottish was expected to win this year too. According to all the students including those of Modern High, David was in great form and had scored 90 runs and taken 3 wickets for 12 runs in their semifinal against Vidya Montessori School.
"But 500 rupees is a huge amount. Peter has no problem. He was rich and had the money, but what about us? Suppose we lose our bet?" Akash was worried.
Rashmi, Akash, Pawan and Sulabh were walking home in the evening.
"It is Peter who ought to worry. After all with David in our team, Modern High do not stand a chance" Pawan sounded optimistic.
"I don’t know why Peter keeps betting like this. It has become a habit with him. He Knows very well that our school is going to win, why is he betting on Modern High?" Rashmi observed.
Next part
Previous part
He was a master stroke player, a cunning, accurate bowler and an agile fielder. For the past 3 years, Bombay Scottish had retained the winning trophy meant for the best team in the city, thanks to David.
Bombay Scottish was expected to win this year too. According to all the students including those of Modern High, David was in great form and had scored 90 runs and taken 3 wickets for 12 runs in their semifinal against Vidya Montessori School.
"But 500 rupees is a huge amount. Peter has no problem. He was rich and had the money, but what about us? Suppose we lose our bet?" Akash was worried.
Rashmi, Akash, Pawan and Sulabh were walking home in the evening.
"It is Peter who ought to worry. After all with David in our team, Modern High do not stand a chance" Pawan sounded optimistic.
"I don’t know why Peter keeps betting like this. It has become a habit with him. He Knows very well that our school is going to win, why is he betting on Modern High?" Rashmi observed.
Next part
Match Fixing part 1
Part 1 of 5
"I will bet on Modern High School for the forthcoming cricket match. Will you accept a bet for Rs 500?" Peter asked.
All the students in the class were stunned and glanced at one another. Rs 500 was quite a big amount. And they were sure, Modern High School was going to be defeated with David working wonders in Bombay Scottish team. They could not resist the temptation.
"We will accept the bet with you" said Rashmi, after a brief pause on behalf of the rest.
"It is a deal then," said Peter as the bell rang to announce the end of lunch session.
The nineth grade students took their seats as their history teacher entered the classroom. The whole class was bubbling with excitement and the history teacher could sense it.
Not only this class but the whole school seemed to be talking about nothing but the cricket match. It was scheduled for Sunday.
Their school "Bombay Scottish" was to take on "Modern High".
Both the schools boasted of strong teams but Bombay Scottish had an edge over Modern High in the sense that it had David as its Captain. David was a dread to his opponents.
Next part
"I will bet on Modern High School for the forthcoming cricket match. Will you accept a bet for Rs 500?" Peter asked.
All the students in the class were stunned and glanced at one another. Rs 500 was quite a big amount. And they were sure, Modern High School was going to be defeated with David working wonders in Bombay Scottish team. They could not resist the temptation.
"We will accept the bet with you" said Rashmi, after a brief pause on behalf of the rest.
"It is a deal then," said Peter as the bell rang to announce the end of lunch session.
The nineth grade students took their seats as their history teacher entered the classroom. The whole class was bubbling with excitement and the history teacher could sense it.
Not only this class but the whole school seemed to be talking about nothing but the cricket match. It was scheduled for Sunday.
Their school "Bombay Scottish" was to take on "Modern High".
Both the schools boasted of strong teams but Bombay Scottish had an edge over Modern High in the sense that it had David as its Captain. David was a dread to his opponents.
Next part
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A True Friend (Part 2)
Continued from Part 1
Pradeep, with a stone hearts went to Vinod and apologised. Vinod forgave him and agreed to make friends with Pradeep.
After some days, the second term examinations were held. Pradeep, because he was poor in studies, did not get good marks and just managed to pass.
His Principal came and said to him, "This is your last chance unless you do well in the Third and final term examination, you will be expelled"
Pradeep was ashamed and he cried bitterly. Vinod came to him and said, "Pradeep, do not worry, this is just the mid-term examination. Start reading well ain work hard from now. If you do so, you will do much better in annual exams."
Pradeep worked hard and Vinod also coached him wherever he found difficulties. After the annual exams result arrived, Pradeep was very happy because he stood first.
Indeed, it was his happiest day. He thanked Vinod profusely. Vinod stood in the second position. The Principal was also very happy because of pradeep's hard work. After this, Pradeep and Vinod became best friends.
For all the exams they ever faced, they faced it together. Always they stood either 1st or 2nd rank.
The End
Pradeep, with a stone hearts went to Vinod and apologised. Vinod forgave him and agreed to make friends with Pradeep.
After some days, the second term examinations were held. Pradeep, because he was poor in studies, did not get good marks and just managed to pass.
His Principal came and said to him, "This is your last chance unless you do well in the Third and final term examination, you will be expelled"
Pradeep was ashamed and he cried bitterly. Vinod came to him and said, "Pradeep, do not worry, this is just the mid-term examination. Start reading well ain work hard from now. If you do so, you will do much better in annual exams."
Pradeep worked hard and Vinod also coached him wherever he found difficulties. After the annual exams result arrived, Pradeep was very happy because he stood first.
Indeed, it was his happiest day. He thanked Vinod profusely. Vinod stood in the second position. The Principal was also very happy because of pradeep's hard work. After this, Pradeep and Vinod became best friends.
For all the exams they ever faced, they faced it together. Always they stood either 1st or 2nd rank.
The End
A True Friend (Part 1)
A Story on friendship as told by M.Aditya
PRADEEP AND Vinod were rivals studying in the class 7. Pradeep was good in sports but was poor at studies. Vinod was good at both. As a result, he was jealous of Vinod.
The sports day was near. Everybody was practising for it. Pradeep and Vinod were very good at athletics. Pradeep was determined to win. But he was not sure whether he could win because Vinod was also determined to win.
Pradeep hit upon a plan and according to it on the sports day, before anyone's arrival, he dug a small pit in the path in which Vinod was supposed to run.
When the race started, Vinod was ahead of Pradeep, but after some time Vinod stepped on the pit and fell down. He was seriously injured. Pradeep overtook him. He was very happy as his plan had worked and he won the first prize. He also felt very guilty.
After a few days, he admitted to his teacher that he had dug the pit in which Vinod stepped and fell down. He was taken to the Principal. The Principal said, "You should make friends with Vinod and promise me that you will not betray him. You must also study very hard or else you will fail and will be expelled from the school."
Continued in part 2
PRADEEP AND Vinod were rivals studying in the class 7. Pradeep was good in sports but was poor at studies. Vinod was good at both. As a result, he was jealous of Vinod.
The sports day was near. Everybody was practising for it. Pradeep and Vinod were very good at athletics. Pradeep was determined to win. But he was not sure whether he could win because Vinod was also determined to win.
Pradeep hit upon a plan and according to it on the sports day, before anyone's arrival, he dug a small pit in the path in which Vinod was supposed to run.
When the race started, Vinod was ahead of Pradeep, but after some time Vinod stepped on the pit and fell down. He was seriously injured. Pradeep overtook him. He was very happy as his plan had worked and he won the first prize. He also felt very guilty.
After a few days, he admitted to his teacher that he had dug the pit in which Vinod stepped and fell down. He was taken to the Principal. The Principal said, "You should make friends with Vinod and promise me that you will not betray him. You must also study very hard or else you will fail and will be expelled from the school."
Continued in part 2
Monday, May 5, 2008
Catching rats the easy way backfires (Part 4)
Go to Part 3
"What should we do, Brother?" the leader of the rats asked with concern. "Don’t worry. You can resort to the same technique to save you, the one they are using to catch you." said the monkey
"What do you mean?" the leader asked.
Ram Monkey whispered something in his ear which made him all smiles.
Next day, the tomcats, as usual, used a new technique to catch the rats, but not a single rat was trapped. The rats had the answer to every trick used by the tomcats. The tomcats became disappointed. "Oh, not a single rat has been caught," the tomcats discussed among themselves, "it seems they have got a magical lamp to save them."
"Yes, we do have a magical lamp. Its name is 'Beware tomcats dot com', the leader of the rats shouted from a distance.
"What kind of lamp is this? We have never before heard of it." replied Alex
"It is not a lamp. It is the answer to 'Catch rats dot corn' site used by you. It contains techniques to answer back your tricks. We are also resorting to Internet," the leader shouted and ran away.
The tomcats hardly expected that their efforts would come to nothing. They were in a fix as to what to do the next.
The smart monkey made sure that the cats dont misuse technology and the easy route the cats took backfired.
End of the Story
"What should we do, Brother?" the leader of the rats asked with concern. "Don’t worry. You can resort to the same technique to save you, the one they are using to catch you." said the monkey
"What do you mean?" the leader asked.
Ram Monkey whispered something in his ear which made him all smiles.
Next day, the tomcats, as usual, used a new technique to catch the rats, but not a single rat was trapped. The rats had the answer to every trick used by the tomcats. The tomcats became disappointed. "Oh, not a single rat has been caught," the tomcats discussed among themselves, "it seems they have got a magical lamp to save them."
"Yes, we do have a magical lamp. Its name is 'Beware tomcats dot com', the leader of the rats shouted from a distance.
"What kind of lamp is this? We have never before heard of it." replied Alex
"It is not a lamp. It is the answer to 'Catch rats dot corn' site used by you. It contains techniques to answer back your tricks. We are also resorting to Internet," the leader shouted and ran away.
The tomcats hardly expected that their efforts would come to nothing. They were in a fix as to what to do the next.
The smart monkey made sure that the cats dont misuse technology and the easy route the cats took backfired.
End of the Story
Catching rats the easy way backfires (Part 3)
Go to Part 2
"We have to resort to a new technique which is unknown to the rats," Hairy tomcat said. "Idea!" Motu spoke, "we can resort to 'catch rats dot com' in order to catch the rats."
"What nonsense are you talking? Are you out of your senses?" Some of the cats said angrily. "I am very much in my senses. We should resort to Internet to catch the rats. There is 'Catch rats dot com' website in the Internet which contains rnany novel techniques for catching the rats. We can use some of those techniques," Motu said.
"Wow Motu! This is the first time you have come out with a witty suggestion," Black tomcat said.
"Motu’s suggestion is good. Let us open 'Catch rats dot com' site in the Internet"
There was a computer in the club which Motu proceeded and opened the 'catch rats dot com' site.
The torn-cats were surprised. The website contained many novel techniques to catch the rats. The tomcats took out the prints of all those methods. "Ha..Ha..Ha.. now the rats will face the music," the tomcats had a hearty laugh. The rats really felt helpless before the new techniques. They were trapped one after the other.
Ram Monkey was the well-wisher of the rats. The rats went to him. "So, this is the problem," Ram Monkey said after hearing them. Then he telephoned his friend Green Parrot and asked him to keep a close watch on the tomcats.
Green Parrot came with the news the very next day that the tomcats were resorting to 'Catch rats dot com'
Go to Part 4
"We have to resort to a new technique which is unknown to the rats," Hairy tomcat said. "Idea!" Motu spoke, "we can resort to 'catch rats dot com' in order to catch the rats."
"What nonsense are you talking? Are you out of your senses?" Some of the cats said angrily. "I am very much in my senses. We should resort to Internet to catch the rats. There is 'Catch rats dot com' website in the Internet which contains rnany novel techniques for catching the rats. We can use some of those techniques," Motu said.
"Wow Motu! This is the first time you have come out with a witty suggestion," Black tomcat said.
"Motu’s suggestion is good. Let us open 'Catch rats dot com' site in the Internet"
There was a computer in the club which Motu proceeded and opened the 'catch rats dot com' site.
The torn-cats were surprised. The website contained many novel techniques to catch the rats. The tomcats took out the prints of all those methods. "Ha..Ha..Ha.. now the rats will face the music," the tomcats had a hearty laugh. The rats really felt helpless before the new techniques. They were trapped one after the other.
Ram Monkey was the well-wisher of the rats. The rats went to him. "So, this is the problem," Ram Monkey said after hearing them. Then he telephoned his friend Green Parrot and asked him to keep a close watch on the tomcats.
Green Parrot came with the news the very next day that the tomcats were resorting to 'Catch rats dot com'
Go to Part 4
Catching rats the easy way backfires (Part 2)
Go to Part 1
A few rats, however, restrained themselves. They remained inside the hole and watched those who ate the bits of cakes. Soon, those rats became unconscious and fell down.
The tomcat and friends hiding behind the bushes immediately came out. "Hurray..." they rejoiced.
"At last, we have succeeded," Alex said happily. The Alex and his friends lifted the unconscious rats and took them away on their backs. After their departure, the leader of the rats spoke, "This is the result of the greed. Now onwards we have to be very careful. The cats are resorting to novel techniques to trap us. None of the rats are advised to eat anything new without my consent."
The rats were convinced with what he said. They sniffed the eating material well to make sure that it was not harmful.
The tomcats were worried once again. "What to do now? The rats don’t even touch the bits of cakes. Moreover, we cannot afford to buy the cakes," one day, the tomcats discussed.
Go to Part 3
A few rats, however, restrained themselves. They remained inside the hole and watched those who ate the bits of cakes. Soon, those rats became unconscious and fell down.
The tomcat and friends hiding behind the bushes immediately came out. "Hurray..." they rejoiced.
"At last, we have succeeded," Alex said happily. The Alex and his friends lifted the unconscious rats and took them away on their backs. After their departure, the leader of the rats spoke, "This is the result of the greed. Now onwards we have to be very careful. The cats are resorting to novel techniques to trap us. None of the rats are advised to eat anything new without my consent."
The rats were convinced with what he said. They sniffed the eating material well to make sure that it was not harmful.
The tomcats were worried once again. "What to do now? The rats don’t even touch the bits of cakes. Moreover, we cannot afford to buy the cakes," one day, the tomcats discussed.
Go to Part 3
Catching rats the easy way backfires (Part 1)
This Story is about Cats who try to catch rats and the rats escape the cats.
Off lately, the tomcats of Mumbai were very much worried. They were trying hard to catch the rats but rats escaped every time. The tomcats felt themselves helpless. At last, they decided to call a meeting to discuss the problem.
An old cat presided over the meeting. The Cat Aunty spoke "This meeting is of utmost importance to us. We have gathered here to find a way out lest all the rats escape us." "We ought to put small pieces of cakes in front of their holes," Alex tomcat suggested.
"How is it going to serve the purpose?" Motu tomcat asked. "Silly, the rats will eat up those pieces and will become unconscious. We will soak those pieces in the medicine that causes unconsciousness. Do you understand?"
In the very night, some of the Alex placed the pieces of cakes soaked in the intoxicating drug in front of the holes of the rats. Then, they hid themselves behind the bushes. The sweet smell emanating from the cake pieces reached to the nostrils of the rats. Some of the rats came out of the holes and devoured them. The older rats tried to stop them but they did not care for their advice.
Go to Part 2
Off lately, the tomcats of Mumbai were very much worried. They were trying hard to catch the rats but rats escaped every time. The tomcats felt themselves helpless. At last, they decided to call a meeting to discuss the problem.
An old cat presided over the meeting. The Cat Aunty spoke "This meeting is of utmost importance to us. We have gathered here to find a way out lest all the rats escape us." "We ought to put small pieces of cakes in front of their holes," Alex tomcat suggested.
"How is it going to serve the purpose?" Motu tomcat asked. "Silly, the rats will eat up those pieces and will become unconscious. We will soak those pieces in the medicine that causes unconsciousness. Do you understand?"
In the very night, some of the Alex placed the pieces of cakes soaked in the intoxicating drug in front of the holes of the rats. Then, they hid themselves behind the bushes. The sweet smell emanating from the cake pieces reached to the nostrils of the rats. Some of the rats came out of the holes and devoured them. The older rats tried to stop them but they did not care for their advice.
Go to Part 2
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Rahul learns his lesson the hard way (Part 4)
"All right. We will pardon you. But you have to pay for your misdeeds. As a punishment, you have to hold your ears and do situps 20 times as a punishment. Furthermore, you have to promise us that such callous mistakes would not be repeated in future," the tube-light said.
"I agree and promise that I will not repeat such mistakes anymore... 1... 2... 3..." Rahul held his ears and did situps.
"Son, wake up. It is 4 pm and you are already late for tuitions. And why are you counting in your sleep?" his mother asked waking him up. Rahul woke up startled, rubbing his eyes. He saw that the fan and tube-light were running all fine.
"Nothing serious, mother. I was just dreaming," Rahul replied back feeling relieved. He got up from his bed, and much to his mother's surprise, he switched off the fan and tube-light.., and went into the bathroom to wash his face.
Rahul learned the lesson, wasting electricity has a negative effect on the environment and causes global warming, we should switch off electricity when not required and help save the planet
"I agree and promise that I will not repeat such mistakes anymore... 1... 2... 3..." Rahul held his ears and did situps.
"Son, wake up. It is 4 pm and you are already late for tuitions. And why are you counting in your sleep?" his mother asked waking him up. Rahul woke up startled, rubbing his eyes. He saw that the fan and tube-light were running all fine.
"Nothing serious, mother. I was just dreaming," Rahul replied back feeling relieved. He got up from his bed, and much to his mother's surprise, he switched off the fan and tube-light.., and went into the bathroom to wash his face.
Rahul learned the lesson, wasting electricity has a negative effect on the environment and causes global warming, we should switch off electricity when not required and help save the planet
Global Warming,
switch off
Rahul learns his lesson the hard way (Part 3)
Rahul was a brilliant Class 5 student. He always excelled in studies and sports as well. But he was a lazy boy. All the electronic gadgets of his house were always kept running for no reason.
His parents used to caution him occasionally mend his ways as early as possible. He would follow their advice for some time. But after that, things remained as bad as before. His parents were worried and fed up with Rahul’s inattention.
There were 3 days to go for the exams. And this time, his father had promised to present him a bicycle if he stood first in the class. He had to study a lot. But today, looking at the uncooperative attitude of the household gadgets, he was getting a bit nervous. He was clueless as to how to end this ordeal.
"Please don’t do this to me. I have exams after 3 days... and have to study," Rahul tried to pacify them.
"No. We are not going to pay heed to your request. You never cared for us. Therefore, we will also do the same," the refrigerator answered curtly.
Rahul started crying in despair. He pleaded them with folded hands, "Please forgive me, I will not repeat this mistake again. I will not be an unmindful boy anymore. I will make sure to switch you ‘off’ after the use. Please... I beg you... forgive me this time. I will make sure that I wont abuse the environment"
His parents used to caution him occasionally mend his ways as early as possible. He would follow their advice for some time. But after that, things remained as bad as before. His parents were worried and fed up with Rahul’s inattention.
There were 3 days to go for the exams. And this time, his father had promised to present him a bicycle if he stood first in the class. He had to study a lot. But today, looking at the uncooperative attitude of the household gadgets, he was getting a bit nervous. He was clueless as to how to end this ordeal.
"Please don’t do this to me. I have exams after 3 days... and have to study," Rahul tried to pacify them.
"No. We are not going to pay heed to your request. You never cared for us. Therefore, we will also do the same," the refrigerator answered curtly.
Rahul started crying in despair. He pleaded them with folded hands, "Please forgive me, I will not repeat this mistake again. I will not be an unmindful boy anymore. I will make sure to switch you ‘off’ after the use. Please... I beg you... forgive me this time. I will make sure that I wont abuse the environment"
Rahul learns his lesson the hard way (Part 2)
"And I too will not serve you with cold water and ice-cream as well," the refrigerator declared.
"But why? What have I done?" Rahul asked with a glint of tear in his eyes.
"Because you always harassed us. You keep us ‘on’ and then conveniently forget to switch us ‘off’ when not in use," the table-lamp explained him in an annoyed tone.
"You open my door and leave it as it is. As a result, I am forced to put in a lot of extra effort to keep things cool," the refrigerator protested.
"And as regards me, you are the most careless. Last time when you had gone to Delhi with your parents, you had forgotten to switch me ‘off.’ I was kept running for full 2 days. As a result, all my internal wiring got burned," the fan spoke in a huff.
"You keep me ‘on’ and then go out to play. Do you know how bad I feel when there is nobody to watch me," the television aired his grief.
"You also leave me running and go to your friend’s house. I have to labour a lot and sweat myself to keep your room cool," the cooler also chipped in.
"Your laxity has caused a lot of inconvenience to us and as a result your father has to pay higher electricity bills and created a lot of environmental damage" the tube-light said.
"We will no longer provide you with all these comforts. We are going on strike," the fan gave the decision.
"Yes... yes... we will go on strike," they all spoke in unison.
"But why? What have I done?" Rahul asked with a glint of tear in his eyes.
"Because you always harassed us. You keep us ‘on’ and then conveniently forget to switch us ‘off’ when not in use," the table-lamp explained him in an annoyed tone.
"You open my door and leave it as it is. As a result, I am forced to put in a lot of extra effort to keep things cool," the refrigerator protested.
"And as regards me, you are the most careless. Last time when you had gone to Delhi with your parents, you had forgotten to switch me ‘off.’ I was kept running for full 2 days. As a result, all my internal wiring got burned," the fan spoke in a huff.
"You keep me ‘on’ and then go out to play. Do you know how bad I feel when there is nobody to watch me," the television aired his grief.
"You also leave me running and go to your friend’s house. I have to labour a lot and sweat myself to keep your room cool," the cooler also chipped in.
"Your laxity has caused a lot of inconvenience to us and as a result your father has to pay higher electricity bills and created a lot of environmental damage" the tube-light said.
"We will no longer provide you with all these comforts. We are going on strike," the fan gave the decision.
"Yes... yes... we will go on strike," they all spoke in unison.
Rahul learns his lesson the hard way (Part 1)
This is a very nice bedtime story based on a story by Om Prakash Maurya
"OH! WHY has this fan stopped working?" Rahul said wiping the sweat from his brow. "Now only I have stopped working. Just wait and see what happens next." "What? Who is this speaking?" Surprised, Rahul began looking around.
"I am the one who is speaking," the fan replied. Rahul raised his head. He asked him perplexed, "Can you speak too?" "Yes. I can speak. Well, usually I don’t talk and do my work silently. But when somebody troubles me, only then speak," the fan replied "But, I have not troubled you. Then why have you stopped working? My exams are about to start from Monday and I cannot concentrate on my studies because of extreme heat."
"That is why the fan has stopped working. This careless attitude will not work anymore with us. Now I will also not provide you with any light." This time the tube-light spoke up.
"OH! WHY has this fan stopped working?" Rahul said wiping the sweat from his brow. "Now only I have stopped working. Just wait and see what happens next." "What? Who is this speaking?" Surprised, Rahul began looking around.
"I am the one who is speaking," the fan replied. Rahul raised his head. He asked him perplexed, "Can you speak too?" "Yes. I can speak. Well, usually I don’t talk and do my work silently. But when somebody troubles me, only then speak," the fan replied "But, I have not troubled you. Then why have you stopped working? My exams are about to start from Monday and I cannot concentrate on my studies because of extreme heat."
"That is why the fan has stopped working. This careless attitude will not work anymore with us. Now I will also not provide you with any light." This time the tube-light spoke up.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Cunning Shiyar gets his due (Part 4)
Go to the previous part of the story
Shiyar, the Fox also assured Banny that he would no longer harm or tease anybody in the jungle. Banny extended his longest branch in the ditch. Shiyar got hold of it and came out.
As soon as he came out, he pounced upon Harry, the Hare.
"You idiot, Harry, you really are a fool to have pulled me out of the ditch. You never thought that I am hungry for 2 days . And a hungry fox would never resist eating a juicy hare."
But Shiyar, I never thought you could kill me who has actually saved your life."
"I am amazed that you still believe in these old, orthodox and outdated dictums of life. I also wonder how come your species is considered the most intelligent of all animals."
Harry got panicky and looked for help at the old banyan. But the old banyan just gave a slight jerk to his branch.
The fox was standing near the edge of the ditch. Suddenly, he lost balance due to the jerk. The branch he was holding on, slipped from his grip and he fell again into the ditch down below.
Harry heaved a sigh of relief on seeing that he was out of danger, with Shiyar, the Fox back into the ditch. He was thankful to the old banyan for his gesture and hugged him.
"Banny, you were correct. I was wrong. It is true that to help such kind of evil-minded animals like Shiyar, the Fox, you really have to think at least 10 times." "See, you are responsible for your actions. You have to pay for your sins," Harry rebuked at Shiyar, the Fox looking down.
"I saved your life and you tried to eat me up. Now spend the rest of your life in the ditch itself. Good-bye..." Harry waved his hand and left for his home.
End of the Story
Cunning Shiyar gets his due (Part 3)
Go to the previous part of the story
Having exhausted all possibilities, Harry came back to the old banyan tree in a sad and dejected mood.
After pausing for a few moments, Harry called Banny, the old banyan tree, "Banny, you have long and strong locks of branches. I wish that they could be of some use. Why don’t you use these branches to save Shiyar’s life?"
"Harry, this fox has been lying here for 2 days. All the animals are very happy to see him in difficulty. Nobody thought of rescuing him because he is basically a bad animal. This is the result of his wrong-doings. Time and again I have seen a number of small animals being unnecessarily harassed by this evil and cunning fox. He is paying for his misdeeds and it is perfectly all right for him to be there."
"Banny, I never imagined that you could be cold-hearted like the rest. What has happened to you? Agreed, that he is a bad animal but we ought to take the initiative to transform him into a good animal," Harry, the Hare replied.
"All right. If you say, then I will pull him out. But beware, you may have to repent your decision." Harry felt happy on hearing the old banyan.
Go to the last part of the story
Cunning Shiyar gets his due (Part 2)
Go to the first part of the story
"You need not worry. I will return with help very so on."
Harry ran as fast as he could and met Lambu, the Giraffe on the way. He said, "Lambu, Shiyar, the Fox has fallen in the ditch and has been lying there for 2 days. He needs your help."
"Harry, agreed that I am your friend. But what made you think that I would be ready to help Shiyar? Just a few days back, he had destroyed my crops in the fields. I am afraid, I would not want to save Shiyar." Lambu retorted and declined to help him. Harry then ran to seek someone else help. But wherever he went, he found the animals critical of Shiyar, the Fox and refused to show any mercy to him. A few called him cunning, some others, an idiot. Some branded him as deceitful, while others bad- mouthed him.
When everybody refused to help Shiyar, Harry went straight to King Gabbar Singh and pleaded,
"Your Highness , Shiyar, the Fox is lying helpless in the ditch for the past 2 days. Kindly arrange for his rescue."
"Just leave him there as it is. At least, there would be some peace in the jungle for a while. Have you forgotten that last fortnight he created havoc among animals? What shall I tell you about other victims, your brother Ginni too was a victim of his atrocities. He had bitten his tail." Gabbar Singh also refused to offer any help.
Go to the next part of the story
Cunning Shiyar gets his due
Based on a story by Veena Gupta
This story will teach the kids not to be cunning, you cant fool everyone all the time.
Harry, the Hare had a daily habit of waking up early and going for a morning walk. Since the weather was fine one day, he decided to walk a bit further. As soon as he passed by the old banyan tree, he heard someone crying. "The voice sounds like a fox." he thought. He looked around and said, "I think that a fox is in some sort of difficulty. I have to help him." And he started moving in the direction from where the voice had come. He had barely moved 8-10 steps when he saw a deep ditch besides the old banyan tree.
He came nearer and carefully peeped inside the ditch. The voice was coming from the ditch itself. A fox was crying for help. "Maybe, the poor fellow had accidentally fallen inside and sustained serious injuries," Harry thought.
"Oh, this is Shiyar, the Fox!" Harry recognised the fox immediately.
As soon as Shiyar saw Harry, he started groaning in pain. "Harry Brother, please save me. I am stuck in this ditch for the past 2 days. Nobody has come to rescue me. I am dying here for want of food and water."
"I wish I could have helped you in some way. But Shiyar, I am small and not strong enough to pull you out of this ditch. But don’t worry, I will just bring in some strong and big animal. He would definitely pull you out."
This story will teach the kids not to be cunning, you cant fool everyone all the time.
Harry, the Hare had a daily habit of waking up early and going for a morning walk. Since the weather was fine one day, he decided to walk a bit further. As soon as he passed by the old banyan tree, he heard someone crying. "The voice sounds like a fox." he thought. He looked around and said, "I think that a fox is in some sort of difficulty. I have to help him." And he started moving in the direction from where the voice had come. He had barely moved 8-10 steps when he saw a deep ditch besides the old banyan tree.
He came nearer and carefully peeped inside the ditch. The voice was coming from the ditch itself. A fox was crying for help. "Maybe, the poor fellow had accidentally fallen inside and sustained serious injuries," Harry thought.
"Oh, this is Shiyar, the Fox!" Harry recognised the fox immediately.
As soon as Shiyar saw Harry, he started groaning in pain. "Harry Brother, please save me. I am stuck in this ditch for the past 2 days. Nobody has come to rescue me. I am dying here for want of food and water."
"I wish I could have helped you in some way. But Shiyar, I am small and not strong enough to pull you out of this ditch. But don’t worry, I will just bring in some strong and big animal. He would definitely pull you out."
Go to the next part of the story
Monday, January 21, 2008
Please forgive me (Part 4)
Previous part of the story
Motu, the Dog and Kajri, the Cow got hold of him and tied his hands and legs. Then they locked him in a room. Amar was sweating heavily and feeling very scared. His heart was beating very fast. He longed for his parents, and started crying loudly.
The feeling that he was away from his parents, made him very sad. He realised the importance of his parents and lamented his mistakes. Soon, the door opened. All the animals were standing at the door.
Amar implored crying, "Please forgive me. From now on, I will not harass any creature. I am suffering for not being with my parents. I can understand the trauma you have undergone due to my mischief. I will no longer trouble anybody. Forgive me... please forgive me ..."
"Amar... Amar... what happened? Wake up, Son. To whom are you apologising?" His mother shook him and he woke up baffled.
"Was I dreaming?" Amar rubbed his eyes in disbelief and looked all around.
"Mother, I cannot live without you. I have realised my mistake. Now I will not harm any creature." Amar touched his ears apologising for his mistake.
"My beloved Son! Come, your father is calling." His mother cuddled him.
"Yes, Mother, I am coming. Just a minute." Amar remembered the puppy in the celler and rushed for the cellar to free the puppy.
End of the story
Please forgive me (Part 3)
Previous part of the story
"Arrey! Where have I come... and what are there strange noises all around?" Amar got perplexed and looked here and there.
In no time, Kajri, the Cow, Binny, the Cat, Chichi, the Bird, Kali, the Goat and Motu, the Dog circled him. They were all shouting in anger.
"Friends, this boy has tortured us for a long time. For no reason, he irritates and injures us. Today, he is in our control. Now, you all decide what punishment is to be meted out to him?" Motu Dog growled.
Amar got very frightened to find him among the animals.
Binny Cat said, "Motu Brother, you are absolutely correct. This boy usually snatches our children from us. We have to teach him an appropriate lesson. Keep him away from his parents for a while. Only then will he realise that taking somebody’s offspring is so hurtful and causes suffering for the both parent and the child."
"Yes... yes... he has to pay for his wrong doings here only. He will be punished," the enraged animals shouted in unison.
Last part of the story
Please forgive me (Part 2)
First part of the story
One day early in the morning, Amar was getting ready for the school. Just then, he happened to see a puppy roaming by his front gate. He immediately thought of playing a prank. Paying no attention to his parent’s advice; he tiptoed out, brought in the puppy and took him at his backyard cellar.
In the meanwhile, his mother came and started looking for him, "Amar, where are you? Have your breakfast. Come here fast. You are getting late for the school."
Amar left the puppy in the cellar and placed a basket over it.
The helpless puppy cried for help, "Yap... yap... yap..." but Amar had already left the cellar locking it from outside.
By noon, he came back from the school and was feeling very weary. He had simply forgotten that he had hid the puppy in the cellar. He changed his uniform, had his lunch and retired to have a quick afternoon nap.
Next part of the story
Please forgive me (Part 1)
Based on a story by Nidhi Shrivastav
Chirp, chirp chirp..."Oh! Why is this bird making so much of noise?" Mother wondered, "Amar must be upto some mischief."
She left her work and rushed into the room to witness that Amar was happy playing with the baby bird. But the mother bird was circling him, worried and screaming for help. "Chirp, chirp, chirp..."
"Amar, where have you brought this bird from? Son, why do you always trouble these innocent birds? Just put her back in the nest. Don’t you see that her mother is looking very concerned and scared?" His mother was annoyed. Amar got up to keep the baby bird in the nest.
But this was his daily routine. He would enjoy teasing the animals and birds. Sometimes, he would harass Kajri Cow’s calf. The other day, he tied the goat’s legs. He would often catch hold of kittens by their tender neck or threw stones at dogs. All the time, his mind was upto some mischief or the other to torment the birds and animals.
Amar used to feel delighted whenever he would nag and heckle a bird or animal. His father had often reprimanded him for this. His mother had also cautioned and warned him. But Amar would not listen.
Chirp, chirp chirp..."Oh! Why is this bird making so much of noise?" Mother wondered, "Amar must be upto some mischief."
She left her work and rushed into the room to witness that Amar was happy playing with the baby bird. But the mother bird was circling him, worried and screaming for help. "Chirp, chirp, chirp..."
"Amar, where have you brought this bird from? Son, why do you always trouble these innocent birds? Just put her back in the nest. Don’t you see that her mother is looking very concerned and scared?" His mother was annoyed. Amar got up to keep the baby bird in the nest.
But this was his daily routine. He would enjoy teasing the animals and birds. Sometimes, he would harass Kajri Cow’s calf. The other day, he tied the goat’s legs. He would often catch hold of kittens by their tender neck or threw stones at dogs. All the time, his mind was upto some mischief or the other to torment the birds and animals.
Amar used to feel delighted whenever he would nag and heckle a bird or animal. His father had often reprimanded him for this. His mother had also cautioned and warned him. But Amar would not listen.
Next part of the story
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Jackal's Scheme (Part 4)
Previous part of the story
Judging that their strategy had failed, Billoo Jackal tried to run but Deenu Bear pounced and caught him by his neck.
"Please leave me. I admit my mistake," Billoo started pleading for his life.
"Idiot, when Pappu had gone for a bath, Cheeku and myself were playing carrom. How could he possibly have injured my son? I was already suspicious of Ranga’s intentions," the Bear answered.
"He had seen me in the market wearing a blue- coloured T-shirt and tried to trap me in his evil plot. He told other animals about it and everybody suspected me for I was wearing the same blue- coloured T-shirt when these animals came knocking at my door," Cheeku cleared.
The news of the incident spread like wildfire. Other animals came over. When Billoo and Ranga apologised for their conspiracy, the animals let them free with a stern warning.
End of the story
The Jackal's Scheme (Part 3)
Previous part of the story
"Oh! That is the way to Cheeku’s house. Are you sure that the rabbit went this way?" Peeku Pig enquired.
"Yes, the rabbit was wearing a blue-coloured T-shirt," Ranga said.
The animals then took Pappu with them and left for Cheeku’s house. On reaching his house, they knocked the door. When Cheeku came out, to their surprise, he was wearing a blue-coloured T-shirt.
The animals grew angry. They said, "You should be ashamed of yourself, Cheeku. Deenu respects and cares a lot about you . . . and you have seriously injured his son. You have back-stabbed him."
Cheeku wanted to rebuff and answer back. But thought, it was not prudent at that time and kept quiet.
The animals then took Cheeku to Deenu Bear’s house. On hearing the entire story, Deenu was very furious with Cheeku and reprimanded him.
Ranga Fox was very happy seeing all this. He immediately left to inform BiIloo Jackal.
"Very good, you have done an excellent work. I will also fulfil my part of the promise," Billoo said.
"Before you do any favour to him, just have a word with us," Deenu Bear suddenly appeared and startled both of them. Cheeku was also along with him.
Last part of the story
The Jackal's Scheme (Part 2)
First part of the story
"I am going to make you the king of the jungle, and you are sleeping here under the tree."
"How can I be the king? Can you please explain." Ranga was unable to understand what Billoo meant.
"For that, you have to do me a favour. Only then, I will do your work," Billoo whispered something in Ranga’s ears.
It was noon and Deenu Bear’s son Pappu was having a bath in the nearby river. Just as he was about to come out of the waters, a stone struck him hard on his head. His head was wounded and blood oozed out. The stone was thrown by Ranga Fox, who was hiding up in the tree close to the river. He came immediately down and started raising an alarm. On heaxing his cries, some animals gathered. "What happened? How did Pappu get injured?"
All the animals were worried.
"I was just lying around. I don’t know anything. But, I saw a rabbit running swiftly in that direction," the Fox replied.
Next part of the story
Monday, January 14, 2008
The Jackal's Scheme
CHEEKU RABBIT and Deenu Bear were good friends. Both of them used to help each other in times of need. "Deenu, I am going to the market. Do you want me to buy anything for you?" Cheeku asked him while leaving.
"Brother, if possible, buy some floor. I wish to prepare pakoras(an Indian snack) today," Deenu’s wife Rani replied.
"You are also invited in the evening to our house for a cup of tea and pakoras." Al1 right, Bhabhiji(Sister-in-law). Cheeku left for the market.
The animals of the jungle were very happy to see them as good trustworthy friends. But some bad elements within the group were jealous of them and tried to create misunderstanding between them. Billoo Jackal was, in fact, waiting for some opporune moment to hunt the rabbit. But he was unsuccessful in his endeavour due to fear of his friend, Deenu Bear. He was convinced that he would be unable to win against the combined might of them both, all by himself. He, therefore, decided to take support of one more animal to execute his evil plan.
Ranga Fox was having a nap under the shade of a banyan tree. On seeing him, Billoo Jackal had a
twinkle in his eyes.
"Hey Ranga, get up," Billoo went near and stroked him.
"What is the matter? Why have you woken me up?" Ranga asked rubbing his eyes.
"Brother, if possible, buy some floor. I wish to prepare pakoras(an Indian snack) today," Deenu’s wife Rani replied.
"You are also invited in the evening to our house for a cup of tea and pakoras." Al1 right, Bhabhiji(Sister-in-law). Cheeku left for the market.
The animals of the jungle were very happy to see them as good trustworthy friends. But some bad elements within the group were jealous of them and tried to create misunderstanding between them. Billoo Jackal was, in fact, waiting for some opporune moment to hunt the rabbit. But he was unsuccessful in his endeavour due to fear of his friend, Deenu Bear. He was convinced that he would be unable to win against the combined might of them both, all by himself. He, therefore, decided to take support of one more animal to execute his evil plan.
Ranga Fox was having a nap under the shade of a banyan tree. On seeing him, Billoo Jackal had a
twinkle in his eyes.
"Hey Ranga, get up," Billoo went near and stroked him.
"What is the matter? Why have you woken me up?" Ranga asked rubbing his eyes.
Next part of the story
Saturday, January 12, 2008
A Lesson of Unity (Part 4)
Previous part of the story
"Stop preaching me or I will finish you," Milk placed on the fire boiled with anger.
This was the moment Lemon waited for. He immediately went to the sweets, "Come here, one of you and cut me to 2 pieces."
"But.that can we..."
"There is no time to waste. Hurry up. worry for me," saying Lemon climbed on the the big bowl containing the milk. Burfi forward and cut Lemon to 2 pieces.
"Ah," Lemon groaned. 2-3 drops of the lemon juice fell in the boiling milk.
Soon, the milk soured.
"Do you know where you stand now? Will you ever claim your superiority again? A small lemon is strong enough to spoil your structure," the lemon was breathing his last.
The sweets felt pity on the milk. "It is bad to
quarrel with one another," they spoke in unison.
The lemon lost his life but succeeced to teach the a lesson of unity to the
Moral: We should not quarrel amongst ourselves so that some one takes advantage of us
End of the story
A Lesson of Unity (Part 3)
Previouspart of the story
One day, the shopkeeper suffered from indigestion. He send his servent to fetch 4 lemons, then he cut 2 lemons, squeezed them to get the jiuce, added a little water to the juice, drank it and slept. The juice gave him a little comfort and soon he started snoring.
The remaining 2 lemons found the noise disturbing. One of them got out of the shop while the other got inside the shop to find the sweets sobbing.
"What is the matter? What makes you cry?" the lemon asked the sweets.
The sweets saw a friend in the lemon and shared their grief with him.
"The milk has made our life miserable." they said.
"Do not worry. I will help you." the lemon consoled them.
"You? You are as small as a little ball, how can you help us?" the sweets asked with surprise.
"Wit and intellect have nothing to do with one’s size. Just watch me cutting him to size." lemon said.
"Oh, just keep your mouth shut, you little fool! Can’t you see such a large group of sweets failed to challenge me? How dare you do so?" The milk said.
"Friend, don’t boast of yourself. I agree that you have many qualities, but it does not mean that you should torture the sweets."
Last part of the story
A Lesson of Unity (Part 2)
Start of the story
After a few days, the sweets again quarrelled. They created lots of noise and were about to fight when the milk lying in a large bowl intervened, "What is the matter? Why do you quarrel?"
The sweets told them the reason of their dispute.
The milk heard them and laughed saying, "In fact, I am the greatest. None of you can compete with me
"How can you say that?" sweets asked.
"It is so simple. You cannot exist without me, because I am used to prepare you. Even the kheer is prepared using me", the milk said, "now it is upto you to decide whether or not I am the greatest." The sweets appeared convinced.
The milk felt happy that the sweets were convinced, "Now on, I am your king and you are my subjects. You will have to obey me."
The milk took advantage of the differences among the sweets.
He made them dance to his tunes and indulged in all sorts of excesses.
The sweets grew more and more worried. But they were unable to find a way out. They could not take on the milk due to lack of unity among themselves. When alone, they would weep at their plight and thus managed to copy up with the agony.
Next part of the story
A Lesson of Unity (Part 1)
A nice story about unity based on a story by Indrajeet Kaushik
There were a wide variety of sweets In a sweets shop. Rasgullas, jalebi, gulab jamun, pede. barfi and many other sweets were lying there.
One day, the sweets argued among themselves as to who was the greatest of all. Each of them claimed to be the greatest. One claimed to be the prettiest while the other claimed to be having the best of taste. Soon they started quarrelling among themselves.
The quarrel gave rise to a fight. As a result, all the sweets broke. One sweet lost its hands while the other lost its legs. The laddoos were reduced to small bits.
The shopkeeper reached there after a while. He was surprised to see the broken sweets scattered all over. He was unable to make out as to what went wrong with the sweets. "Maybe, the rats have created a mess." he thought. He asked the servants to set the things right and ordered them to find a cat for the shop.
There were a wide variety of sweets In a sweets shop. Rasgullas, jalebi, gulab jamun, pede. barfi and many other sweets were lying there.
One day, the sweets argued among themselves as to who was the greatest of all. Each of them claimed to be the greatest. One claimed to be the prettiest while the other claimed to be having the best of taste. Soon they started quarrelling among themselves.
The quarrel gave rise to a fight. As a result, all the sweets broke. One sweet lost its hands while the other lost its legs. The laddoos were reduced to small bits.
The shopkeeper reached there after a while. He was surprised to see the broken sweets scattered all over. He was unable to make out as to what went wrong with the sweets. "Maybe, the rats have created a mess." he thought. He asked the servants to set the things right and ordered them to find a cat for the shop.
Next part of the story
Friday, January 11, 2008
Captain Tortoise goes to the moon (Part 4)
Previous Part
"Residents of the Moon, listen to me. I have come from planet Earth. You don’t have to be scared of me. Come forward, we will talk.., people of Chanderlok, please come out," shouted Captain Tortoise.
In a little while many birds and animals gathered there. To Captain Tortoise, they looked rather familiar.
"Oh, you people resemble my friends on Earth a lot!" exclaimed Captain Tortoise with surprise.
All the birds and animals burst into laughter on hearing this. "You foolish tortoise, you are on the earth itself and not on the Moon. Your spacecraft has landed into a dry well!" said Bholu, the jackal, laughing.
Captain Tortoise felt embarrassed. But the next moment, he said, "Don’t worry next trip will be towards the Sun!"
The End
Captain Tortoise goes to the moon (Part 3)
Previous Part
A number of small animals got injured in the process, nonetheless, they were very excited and hailed Captain Tortoise with gusto.
A little later, Tommy, the dog, said, "But where has the spacecraft disappeared?"
"Have patience. Tonight, when Captain Tortoise lights a fire on the Moon, we will get to see it," said Bholu, the hyena.
In the meantime, Captain Tortoise’s spacecraft landed into a dry well which was just a little distance away from the site from where it had taken off.
As the spacecraft had stopped with a jerk, Captain Tortoise thought that perhaps he had reached the destination, the Moon.
He came out of his craft in style. He unfurled his flag there and began to look around himself with an air of pride.
Then he felt hungry. He took out laddus from the tiffin and ate a couple of them at one go. Now he felt thirsty but alas! There was no water there. He had forgotten to bring a water bottle along.
"Chanderlok(moon) appears to be good but there seems to be a shortage of water here," murmured Captain Tortoise. He began to pace around. When he could no longer bear the thirst, he shouted, "Is there anybody around? I have come from the Earth. Is there any water here?"
Just then, he saw a rope hanging. He caught hold of it and climbed it. But there was nobody there. He climbed onto a big rock.
Last Part of the Story
Captain Tortoise goes to the moon (Part 2)
Start of the Story
As soon as the residents of the forest heard this, they thronged outside their houses to have a glimpse of the spacecraft. Captain Tortoise was trying to answer their questions. The tota, the parrot started the countdown.The khargosh, the rabbit was clicking the photographs. The gadha, the donkey was making announcements on behalf of the Radio Station.
Tommy, the Dog was supposed to accompany Captain Tortoise as an expert. Billi, the Cat gave Captain Tortoise a box of sweets for the journey. At the scheduled time, Captain Tortoise stepped towards his spacecraft. Once he got inside it, he called for Tommy, the Dog. But the latter was nowhere to be seen. Actually, he had hidden himself out of fear. Captain Tortoise sat in the seat meant for the pilot. Sonu, the Mouse, shut the door, the tortoise light a match-stick and the fuel in the spacecraft caught ignited. As the engine powered up, it zoomed up!
"Bang... bang!" the spacecraft went and there was smoke all around. The onlookers became frightened and they began to run helterskelter.
Next Part
Captain Tortoise goes to the moon (Part 1)
A nice Children story, Tell it to your kid during bedtime.
Based on a story by Rahul Naik.
CAPTAIN TORTOISE was in limelight for some days now. He was all set to go to the Moon. He had been busy preparing himself for the journey to the moon for the last 2 years. Now his "Thak-thak" aircraft was ready to take off.
Captain Tortoise had worked hard to make this spacecraft. The material which he had used in it included a long metallic tube, a few boxes, rods, batteries and a stove tank etc. Lomdi, the Jackal, was a scientist and had helped him in this project.
Though Captain Tortoise had tried to keep the project a secret, he did not succeed. Sonu, the Mouse was the first to know about it and he lost no time in spreading this news in the forest.
One day, when the sky was clear and the weather pleasant. Captain Tortoise announced that his spacecraft would take off for the Moon.
Based on a story by Rahul Naik.
CAPTAIN TORTOISE was in limelight for some days now. He was all set to go to the Moon. He had been busy preparing himself for the journey to the moon for the last 2 years. Now his "Thak-thak" aircraft was ready to take off.
Captain Tortoise had worked hard to make this spacecraft. The material which he had used in it included a long metallic tube, a few boxes, rods, batteries and a stove tank etc. Lomdi, the Jackal, was a scientist and had helped him in this project.
Though Captain Tortoise had tried to keep the project a secret, he did not succeed. Sonu, the Mouse was the first to know about it and he lost no time in spreading this news in the forest.
One day, when the sky was clear and the weather pleasant. Captain Tortoise announced that his spacecraft would take off for the Moon.
Next Part
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Cabby gets saved
Once there was Cabby, the crab, who had grown tired of living in the sea.
“I would be happier living on the golden beach!” he thought. He looked at the clear blue sky, and the sun sparkling on the rocks where the sea birds landed, and was delighted with all that he saw. ‘Others can stay in the sea if they like.’ he thought. ‘But I want to enjoy the beautiful warm sunlight here, and...’ But at that very moment, as Cabby daydreamed happily, he found that he had been seized by tommy, the dog and was wedged between tommy's sharp teeth’.
‘Oh dear! This is my own fault,’ the Cabby told himself in despair. ‘I should have stayed where I belonged’ I didn’t remember that I’m a sea creature, and I should have stayed in the sea, no matter how lovely and tempting the land may appear. Now I must pay the price of not being a creature of the land.’
But Cabby, the crab did not realise that the dog who had caught him was eyeing him uneasily.
Tommy, the dog was thinking. ‘Why did I ever come down here from the comforts of a city, just to eat fish like a cat? This crab shell is so hard and salty Ugh!’ He spat Cabby, the crab out on to the breakwater, at the place where the sea met the beach. Cabby, the crab, scuttled into the water thankfully, and after that, he never came out from beneath the waves ever again!
Moral: We should be satisfied with what we have, The grass always appears greener on the other side of the fence
“I would be happier living on the golden beach!” he thought. He looked at the clear blue sky, and the sun sparkling on the rocks where the sea birds landed, and was delighted with all that he saw. ‘Others can stay in the sea if they like.’ he thought. ‘But I want to enjoy the beautiful warm sunlight here, and...’ But at that very moment, as Cabby daydreamed happily, he found that he had been seized by tommy, the dog and was wedged between tommy's sharp teeth’.
‘Oh dear! This is my own fault,’ the Cabby told himself in despair. ‘I should have stayed where I belonged’ I didn’t remember that I’m a sea creature, and I should have stayed in the sea, no matter how lovely and tempting the land may appear. Now I must pay the price of not being a creature of the land.’
But Cabby, the crab did not realise that the dog who had caught him was eyeing him uneasily.
Tommy, the dog was thinking. ‘Why did I ever come down here from the comforts of a city, just to eat fish like a cat? This crab shell is so hard and salty Ugh!’ He spat Cabby, the crab out on to the breakwater, at the place where the sea met the beach. Cabby, the crab, scuttled into the water thankfully, and after that, he never came out from beneath the waves ever again!
Moral: We should be satisfied with what we have, The grass always appears greener on the other side of the fence
Story of the pencil box
A pencil once jumped out of a pencil-box and said “I am Ram’s best friend! It is I who takes the trouble of writing all his homework!” On hearing this, Ram’s eraser, too, jumped out of the pencil-box saying "No, I’m his best friend, who corrects all his mistakes?" Then the ruler followed them both, out of the pencil-box and said “Both of are wrong, I am Ram’S best friend because I help to keep all his lines straight!”
The pencil, the eraser and the ruler soon began to quarrel.
As the pencil box listened to their quarrel, the pencil-box laughed aloud and said, “Ram does all his home- work himself! The three of you just help him as his friends. If you are his true friends stop fighting amongst yourself, or he won’t be able do his homework properly at all!” The pencil, the eraser, and the ruler were ashamed when they heard that. The got back into the pencil-box and waited quietly for Ram to come along.
The pencil, the eraser and the ruler soon began to quarrel.
As the pencil box listened to their quarrel, the pencil-box laughed aloud and said, “Ram does all his home- work himself! The three of you just help him as his friends. If you are his true friends stop fighting amongst yourself, or he won’t be able do his homework properly at all!” The pencil, the eraser, and the ruler were ashamed when they heard that. The got back into the pencil-box and waited quietly for Ram to come along.
Bakri goes shopping
Bakri, the Goat, had three little kids, One day, as she was going out to buy food, Bakri, the Goat, said to her baby goats, do not let any one in! Open the door only when I call out to you!”
Wammi, the wolf, was hiding outside the house, and he heard what Bakri the Goat said. Wammi, the wolf, went to the butcher’s shop, stole a goatskin, and put it on. Wammi then went back to Bakri’s cottage and knocked on the door, saying, “It’s your Mother Goat, let me in” But the little goats said, “Oh, no! You are not our mother! Your voice sounds too loud and rough!”
The wolf went to doctor Manu monkey’s clinic and bought some medicine to make his sound soft. After taking the medicines, Wammi, the wolf, went back to the cottage, and knocked at the door once again, saying, “It’s your Mother Goat, let me in!”
This time, the wolf’s voice did sound softer, and the baby goats really thought it was their mother. They opened the door happily, and in came the wicked wolf, Wammi, ready to spring upon them! Luckily, Bakri, the Goat, too, returned home from her shopping just then. As soon as she saw Wammi, the wolf, she put her head down, and butted Wammi with her horns. Wammi, the wolf, ran away howling in pain.
Moral: We should not open the door unless we are sure who is at the door or there is an adult nearby.
Wammi, the wolf, was hiding outside the house, and he heard what Bakri the Goat said. Wammi, the wolf, went to the butcher’s shop, stole a goatskin, and put it on. Wammi then went back to Bakri’s cottage and knocked on the door, saying, “It’s your Mother Goat, let me in” But the little goats said, “Oh, no! You are not our mother! Your voice sounds too loud and rough!”
The wolf went to doctor Manu monkey’s clinic and bought some medicine to make his sound soft. After taking the medicines, Wammi, the wolf, went back to the cottage, and knocked at the door once again, saying, “It’s your Mother Goat, let me in!”
This time, the wolf’s voice did sound softer, and the baby goats really thought it was their mother. They opened the door happily, and in came the wicked wolf, Wammi, ready to spring upon them! Luckily, Bakri, the Goat, too, returned home from her shopping just then. As soon as she saw Wammi, the wolf, she put her head down, and butted Wammi with her horns. Wammi, the wolf, ran away howling in pain.
Moral: We should not open the door unless we are sure who is at the door or there is an adult nearby.
Kati and the bangle
One day, Kati the cat was walking past a house. Suddenly, she spotted something beautiful and round lying on the ground.
It was a bangle. Kati thought it was something to eat, and tried to bite it, But it was hard and tasteless. Then Kati grew angry, and kicked the round bangle.
But then Kati got a surprise - the bangle rolled away Kati, the Cat kicked it again and again and the bangle rolled on and on until it reached Kati’s house.
There, she gave the bangle to the little kittens who were waiting for her. They played with it happily.
It was a bangle. Kati thought it was something to eat, and tried to bite it, But it was hard and tasteless. Then Kati grew angry, and kicked the round bangle.
But then Kati got a surprise - the bangle rolled away Kati, the Cat kicked it again and again and the bangle rolled on and on until it reached Kati’s house.
There, she gave the bangle to the little kittens who were waiting for her. They played with it happily.
Adventures of Radha
A little girl named Radha was playing with a ball. After a while, put it down and went to pick some flowers. When she came back, looked around, but couldn’t find her ball anywhere. She started to cry.
Now, where was the ball? Two squirrels had found it, and they thought it was something to eat and they took it up to a branch on a nearby tree and started licking but they found that the ball tasted very nasty! Just then a bird flew by. “You foolish squirrels,” chirped the bird, “That’s a ball to play with, and to eat! It belongs to little Anjall, she’s looking everywhere for it!”
The squirrels looked down and saw little Radha crying for her ball. They felt sorry for her, and dropped the ball down to the ground. Radha was surprised, but so very happy to see her missing ball dropping from a tree!

The squirrels looked down and saw little Radha crying for her ball. They felt sorry for her, and dropped the ball down to the ground. Radha was surprised, but so very happy to see her missing ball dropping from a tree!
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